Sports day is a school event where all of the kids have no
classes and play a variety of sports all day. This year there was: football,
basket-ball, track & field and tug of war. The school is split up in 4
houses the blue house, green, yellow and red house. I am part of the red house.
Compared to the other houses we are very little and consist mostly of young
kids that are from 9 to 12 grades. In a long battle against the other students,
we were failing miserably.
I was exhausted and beat up really badly from the wet field.
Fortunately in an unexpected turn of event, out of all the houses we won!
It was incredible I couldn't believe it. It was truly a team
effort. Bonding and participating with the other kids was a fun experience,
especially whilst playing sports. It was also good for us DP students who don't
have PE class. It gave us an opportunity to play sports and get active instead
of keeping our eyes on the books.
In this picture you can see me in action. Heading for the goal and bring us to GLORY!!